शनिवार, 16 अक्तूबर 2010

willpower is not a physical entity .

willpower is not a physical entity (biologically limited ).It is a property of the soul (the mind ).It is all in the mind ."man ke haare haar hai ,man ke jeete jeet ".
Neither willpower is something with a limited resource .It is not like a mobile battery which needs charging and rechargings ,breaks during work or endurence sports .Such are the findings of experts
(psychologists) from stanford university .Weak and or strong willpower is in your head .
Even sleep (rest ),food ,relaxation and the likes does not effect it .
In studies conducted the psychologists after analysing the mindset of a person and his personal beliefs about willpower found that one can predict his ablity and the extent to complete and or abort a task ,a tough mental exercise .
But if one percieves willpower as an physical entity which is biologically limited ,the chances are one may abort a given task .But if you think this as an infinite resource you may continue for as long as you desire ,and complete the task .
Four experiments were designed to test and manipulate Stanford student's beliefs about willpower .On standards concentration tests the scores of all the subjects were recorded.Those who thought of willpower as a limited resource scored the lowest .Others who thought of it as an unlimited resource scored the highest.They exercised a better control over this non -physical entity .those who treated willpower as biolojically limited ate more junk food(24%more ) leading to final exams .The other group resisted the temptations .The limited resource group procrastinated 35%more than the unlimited resource group .

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